History of the Township Lease

December 2008

The Groote Eylandt Township Lease to the Executive Director of Township Leasing (EDTL) for Angurugu, Umbakumba and Milyakburra is signed for a period of 80 (40 plus 40) years.

December 2017

The then Minister for Indigenous Affairs wrote to the Chairman of the Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC) offering “the opportunity to vary the township lease over Angurugu, Umbakumba and Milyakburra to insert a provision allowing for the transfer of the lease to a community entity”.

January 2018

The ALC Chairman, Tony Wurramarrba accepted the Minister’s offer.

August 2019

Groote Eylandt Township Lease variation to effect the transfer clauses in the Lease is finalised

April 2022

ARAC is approved by the then Minister for Indigenous Australians as an approved entity to hold the Township Lease

October 2022

Groote Eylandt Township Lease transferred from EDTL to ARAC, with ARAC responsible for holding and administering the lease from 1 October.