The Groote Archipelago Township Lease (Township Lease) is held and administered by Anindilyakwa Royalties Aboriginal Corporation (ARAC) after it was transferred from the Commonwealth statutory authority the Executive Director of Township Leasing (EDTL) on 1 October 2022. The EDTL had held the Township Lease since December 2008 and the Township Lease was transferred on the request of Anindilyakwa traditional owners to support efforts to resume local control for decision-making and service delivery.
What is the structure of the Groote Archipelago Township Lease?
The Anindilyakwa Land Trust holds Aboriginal land on behalf of traditional owners.
Acting on the direction of the Anindilyakwa Land Council, the Land Trust agreed to the transfer to the Groote Archipelago Township Lease to ARAC on 1 October 2022.
The Township Lease is granted and transferred under section 19A of the Land Rights Act, and ARAC is an approved entity under section 3AA of the Land Rights Act.
ARAC, through its Community Committees, decides who can get a new sublease or licence in the township lease communities and how land is used based on the lease, planning legislation and community consultation.
Any existing subleases remain in place on the same terms and conditions.
ARAC assumes responsibility for all lease management functions previously undertaken by the EDTL such as lease compliance and rent collection.
How are decisions about land use made under the Groote Archipelago Township Lease?
The ARAC Directors have delegated the power to make decisions about subleases and licences and how sublease income is spent to Community Committees comprised of traditional owners and community members of each specific community under the Township Lease.
This ensures that the traditional owners of the land for which a decision is required are making that decision, as a key part of ARAC’s commitment to localised and place-based decision-making.
Following a due diligence process by ARAC staff, Community Committee meetings are convened for the relevant community and application information is presented to the Committee to support informed decision-making.
There are seven Community Committees with delegated powers – one for each of the communities under the Township Lease, as well as Lease Management Committee which oversees strategic direction and whole of Township Lease related matters.
Community Committees generally meet quarterly to consider applications; please contact the ARAC Lease Management Unit to find out upcoming meeting dates.